On April 19th, 2024, Global Home for Indigenous Peoples organized a side event, “Harmony High: Empowering Peaks, Nurturing Futures – Indigenous Youth Leading the Charge for Resilient Mountain Agriculture

Summary: As the global community gathers for the 23rd Session of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII), the side event “Harmony High” emerges as a beacon of inspiration, celebrating the resilience of Indigenous youth. This event is dedicated to unraveling the rich tapestry meticulously woven by Indigenous youth, particularly focusing on their contributions to sustainable agriculture in mountainous regions.

Description: “Harmony High” is an ode to the relentless pursuit of disaster and climate resilience by Indigenous youth, particularly in the challenging terrain of mountainous regions. It symbolizes the passing of the torch, blending tradition and innovation harmoniously, all to sculpt a sustainable and resilient future. The side event aims to organize Indigenous youth for a resilient future by engaging and celebrating their contributions to food security and agriculture in mountainous regions. Mountains boast beautiful landscapes, rich biodiversity, and environments teeming with flora and fauna. They are also the cradle of traditional Indigenous knowledge and wisdom, including indigenous seeds and agricultural practices. This event seeks to highlight Indigenous youth leadership and vision for a sustainable and resilient world, rooted in traditional knowledge.

Watch the event online here